Kya is an aspiring model with the best attitude in the world! She shared a little story with me about how a particular model agency told her she was too short to model for them. My personal opinion is that they totally lost out…. to bad for them, this girl is going places! Keep shining your bright light, Kya, and never give up on your dreams!
This shoot was a little different than my norm. I have recently have been shooting on a whim. A little less planned and very intimate. Just me and my subject. Where as, I would normally have at least an assistant or makeup artist on my shoots with me. I feel this gives me a little more creative freedom when I’m not stressing about time and other team members. Obviously, a team helps when it comes to editorial or commercial work, however it is not always conducive when you just feel like gettin out and creating.
I usually have a particular idea of style, mood or character when approaching my shoots. I try not to get to stuck too much my own ideas, so when I meet my subject, I can be a little more flexible and work with their natural personality.
Questions are always welcome :)